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Claudia Mathieu









Name: Claudia Mathieu
Date Last Seen: 12/09/1997
DOB: 11/11/1960
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 170lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing features: Unknown


Claudia Mathieu was last seen on December 9, 1997. She advised friends that she was going kayaking on December 10, 1997, from the Dana Point Harbor. Ms. Mathieu has not been seen or heard from since. It appears Ms. Mathieu may have gone kayaking into the ocean against strong winds and rough water. Her vehicle was located in the Dana Point Harbor parking lot along with her dog inside of his kennel.

Anyone with information regarding this disappearance is asked to call the Orange County Sheriff’s Department – Homicide Unit/Missing Persons Detail

(714) 647-7055 / 24 hrs  or (714) 628-7170