The Food Services Unit operates a total of five kitchens, three inmate dining halls, three warehouses, and prepares over 3.8 million meals annually. Utilizing approximately 81 professional staff members along with inmate kitchen crews, Food Services provides three nutritionally balanced meals to each inmate housed at the County's five jail facilities. In addition, Food Services prepares special medical diets ordered by Correctional Medical Services staff for inmates with special dietary needs as well as religious diets, court ordered meals, cold bag meals for inmates attending court, County inmate work crews, and emergent operational situations. These meals must meet or exceed the requirements set forth by the California Board of Corrections Title 15, the National Academy of Sciences Recommended Daily Allowances, and the California Retail Food Code. The Food Services’ Public Health Nutritionist analyzes all menus to ensure the Sheriff stays in compliance with the above-mentioned guidelines and provides similar nutritional services for the Probation Department.